
Email Sample

Dear Employee,

Advisory for Employees on Influenza A H1N1 (Human Swine Flu)

As of 5th June 2009, 69 countries have officially reported 21,940 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection, including 125 deaths. The World Health Organization has declared the world remains in Pandemic Influenza Phase 5. Strict adherence to personal and environmental hygiene is essential in the present swine influenza outbreak.

The summer holiday is less than three weeks away and many of us have already made travel plans. In view of the threat posed by the current outbreak of new influenza A (H1N1), the Foundation is asking your cooperation to take some simple preventive measures to protect yourself while traveling and providing some travel information to your school/division office in case we need to alert you to the changing world health situation.

We referred to some local universities and the health authority H1N1 guidelines and adapted theirs to our Guidelines and Advisory on prevention and control of workplace infection. We hope you can take five to ten minutes to read through the information. The main points are:

1. You are advised to avoid travel to the highly infected areas (i.e. Mexico, USA, Canada, etc.) and watch out for the latest developments in the swine flu outbreak when planning travel. You can visit the CHP website for the latest information at: http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/Daily_update_on_swine_influenza_bilingual.pdf

2. The following items are attached as appendices for your reference.
- Guidelines on Influenza A H1N1 (Human Swine Flu)
- Advisory on Influenza A H1N1 (Human Swine Flu)
- General Health Advice
- General Travel Advice

3. Please fill out the Travel Declaration Form providing your school/division of your updated contact information and travel plan during the holiday. With the information you provide us, we can alert you promptly in the event of emergency or when there are changes to normal operations.

4. For the protection of our colleagues and students and to minimize the risk of new influenza A (H1N1) outbreak, we ask you to do the following upon returning to school:
- Submit a Health Declaration for record (see for attached)
- Wear masks for the first 7 days
- Measure Body Temperature for the first 7 days

For any enquiry about our guidelines and advisory, please call during work hours at (852) xxxx-xxxx.

Yours truly,

Head, Human Resources