Clues to Look For During the Interview
- Emotional Maturity. Does the applicant......
- Blame others for his own mistakes?
- Criticise without reason or more sharply than the facts justify?
- Have ambitions beyond his abilities?
- Make excessive claims regarding his accomplishments and abilities?
- Offer unbalanced reasons for the action of others?
- Try many diverse things and give up?
- Seem excessively concerned about his authority and responsibilities?
- Dependability. Has the applicant......
- Taken his job and school and family responsibilities seriously?
- Been reprimanded for neglecting school work or his job?
- Done his fair share of the work?
- Lived up to his commitments?
- Self-confidence. Does the applicant......
- Blame others for his misfortunes?
- Seem poised or more nervous than the situation justifies?
- Express himself timidly?
- Seem domineering or dogmatic?
- Adjust his manner to the situation?
- React violently to criticism?
- Criticalness. Is the applicant......
- Suspicious of others?
- Hostile to many people and groups?
- Generous in praise?
- Analytical or emotional in judging others?
- Value of System. Does the applicant seem to want......
- Security?
- A lot of money?
- A job without responsibilities?
- A job where he can accomplish something worthwhile?
- To be liked?
- To become a "big wheel"?
- To learn something useful to his career?
- To be free from restrictions?
- Health and Vitality. Does the applicant......
- Have a bad attendance record at school or work?
- Need a regular medical card?
- Need to take pills and medicines often?
- Appear to have vitality?
- Take part in activities which require vitality?
- Attitudes Toward Other Persons. Is the applicant......
- Friendly and sociable as indicated by friends and activities?
- Likely to get along with almost anyone, or with only special groups of people?
- Realistic in his appraisal of others?
- Attitudes Towards Jobs. Does the applicant like......
- His former bosses and teachers?
- Routine work?
- Dealing with people?
- Close supervision?
- Clean or dirty work?
- Complex jobs?
- Responsibility?
- Speech. Are his fluency and tone and manner acceptable?
- Appearance. Is his appearance satisfactory?