- AC - Dispose after completion of job / contract
- AE - Dispose after expiration
- AF - After end of fiscal year
- AM - After moving
- AS - After settlement
- AT - Dispose after termination
- ATR - After trip
- OBS - Dispose when obsolete
- P - Permanent
- SUP - Dispose when superseded
Type of Records
- Accounting & Fiscal
- Administrative Records
- Communications
- Contract Administration
- Corporate (Annual Reports, Election Records, Incorporation Records, Licenses, etc.)
- Legal (Claims & Litigation Concerning Torts and Breach of Contracts, Law Records, Trademark & Copyrights, etc.)
- Office Supplies & Services
- Personnel
- Property Records
- Printing & Duplicating
- Procurement & Purchasing
- Products, Services & Marketing
- Public Relations & Advertising
- Security
- Taxation
- Traffic & Transportation